Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I was going to update this blog this weekend...

...but then I had Burger King instead. True story and Jerry busted me on it.

Behold the face of evil.

I had 2 whopper juniors and a doctor pepper. Yeah, pretty catastrophic.

In bright news, I shaved this weekend (sad that it is a big deal) and am dressed up quite spiffy today.

Damn it. I had a vanilla latte this morning. Wow, this accountability thing sucks, but probably works.

I did watch some pretty bad ass parkeur videos, does that count as a workout?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tuesday, wait, what?!?

Well now, this is a bit awkward. I know I was supposed to call you over the weekend but I kind of got, uh busy you know? No, no, not like that. I am never too busy for you, I just, uh, couldn't get to my computer. No, that wasn't me at that site, someone must have, uh, spoofed my ip or something...

Okay, so what really happened this weekend - I got in a couple of 40k games - big fun. A couple of great games. Eating took a big hit as I just kind of went crazy. I am not going to crucify myself for it, though, the year is young and I don't want to get discouraged, better just to get back on track.

I am pleased to report I haven't bitten my nails a single time since starting this blog. In related news, I just posted my scratching stick on craigs list. Optimistic? Yes, yes I am.

Uhhh painting wise I didn't do a damn thing. I keep my paints in a lower cabinet which has been childproofed since E joined us. Yes, I can get through the childproofing, but my laziness is epic and would have songs dedicated to it were I not so, uh, lazy.

I ordered us debit cards for the credit union so am making progress on that front.

Final news is that I start my hypnosis class this week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Work is cramping my blogging... ;-)

Another busy day - have a release on Monday. Quick update - had a great dinner last night - Ileana made a bean and tomato soup with the left over white beans. Had a banana milkshake again (don't look at me, the bananas were going bad!)

Did yoga again last night, strange thing is my feet are sore today. Very odd.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another busy day at work

Just a really quick update because it is another crazy busy day at work - did some writing yesterday - scripts for a video game sorta thing so it counts.

Also, dinner was an awesome wilted arugala salad with onions, garlic, and white beans. Had a half of a banana shake for desert (that is awesomely healthy - the bananas make it a fruit, right?)

Worked on painting for TOMG - got Koko almost done.

Came to the realization that Hermosa beach is just up the street, Huntington is much, much further.

Breakfast was a cup of malt-o-meal with milk and a taste of sugar. I made my trader joe's instant coffee this morning (surprisingly tasty, btw) with a splash nonfat milk.

Mid morning I had about a cup of TJs plain unsweetened yogurt with about 15 blueberries mixed in and a cup of earl grey.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Just a quick update

Work is pretty busy today so I will probably post less than I have been. Quick notes - dinner last night was 2 bean and cheese quesadillas (on wheat tortillas) with homemade guacamole and ralph's salsa with water to drink. Not great but not terrible.

I have to thank Ileana for pushing me to do some yoga last night. I was expecting it to be bad and it was worse. There is definitely nowhere to go but up. Also did some pushups and situps, they went better than expected - I did 10 of each and felt I could have done more, but am trying to intentionally take it easy.

I did a little bit of writing, about 3 paragraphs. Not a lot, but again, it is all about beginnings at this point.

Breakfast today was a cup of malt-o-meal with some organic milk and a bit of sugar and a cup of coffee with nonfat milk and 4 packets of sugar (garuda at peet's always is extra bitter to me).

Other good news, I remembered my pipe and my multivitamin.

Bad news is that I didn't do a lick of painting last night. Tonight is paint night so I will get some in there - my friend Brian Scolaro is performing in Huntington Beach tonight so I might try and make that which would cut paint time down considerably.

Okay, back to the salt mines.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Goal posts, cause otherwise when would you know that you scored?

Okay, so getting in shape is pretty nebulous. I am going to do a quick test tonight and see how pathetic I do, but I am going to fall back to military style fitness test - run, push up, sit up, pull up.

I and going to see how much I can do of each by March. In the army we would typically do things for 2 minutes, so I am going to go off that and bearing in mind my personal bests as near I can remember.

All that waffling being laid out with a bit of powdered sugar (man, I am hungry) my goals summoned from thin air will be this (these might be adjusted based on reality):

50 situps in 2 minutes
30 pushups in 2 minutes
5 pull ups
and 2 miles in 18 minutes

I think all of those are reasonable and, honestly, probably a little light but we'll see.

Strange days indeed

So, I ate pretty much the exact same thing today as I did yesterday. I started with Malt-o-meal and a cup o-black-coffee had the same salad thingie for lunch, 3 squares of dark chocolate and about 10 pistachios. I am freaking starving today. My physical exertion has been roughly the same, walk to trader joe's, sit on my butt and do work. I have been struggling with a sql proggie but, come on, not like I have built up a sweat there.

I know sometimes the body misinterprets thirst as hunger so have had my 2 cups of tea and also 3 glasses of water, which is more than yesterday. Very interesting. Thank goodness there is no cheesecake in the kitchen today, my willpower is far weaker today.